Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): pulley removal, pb blaster, oil seal

I'm trying to remove the pulley assemble on a 16 horse b&s motor to replace the oil seal. It won't come off.  I didn't see a set screw or anything?  Any help would be great. thanks

 Hello Bill:

 I am Assuming that you Removed the Center Retainer Bolt, that is in the Center of the Pulley. If so, you need to get some PB Blaster Penitrating Catalyst and Spray Between the Engine and the Pulley, so as to allow the Catalyst to Run Down the Crankshaft Onto the Pulley. Allow to Soak for about and Hour or More. I Usually let them Soak Overnight and Spray them 2 or 3 Times if Possible. If this Doesnt Work , then you will Need a Torch to Heat the Pulley to Remove it. When you Replace the Pulley, Use Never Sieze On the Crankshaft Before Replaceing the Pulley. This Prevents Rust from Building Up Between the Crankshaft and the Pulley. Hope this Help. Let me know what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck

