Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snapper SR 130 troubleshooting, briggs and stratton, jumper cable

Thanks for your response.
I hooked up the positive cable (via jumper cable) to the starter (for around 6 seconds) and it turned over quite well. I purchased a solenoid, installed it and got the same results. I then hooked up the jumpercable to the starter again and it turned over like previously. The battery seems to be working fine by the way it turns over the motor when I touch the starter. Any other ideas?
Make and model:
SR 130 30 inch cut 12 hp
Model 35248387
Serial 35248387
Briggs and Stratton model# 283707
Type 013601
Your help is truly appreciated.
Rob Pace


Followup To

Question -
I gave a Snapper SR 130 rider lawnmover.
Model # 30123BE
Briggs and stratton 12 hp with 30" cut. Older model.
I was riding the mower when it went through some heavy grass and stalled. I went to start it and nothing . No clicks, nothing. I called a reputable lawnmover service company and they gave me a few ideas as to what the problem may be.
1. I used a car to jump the battery and same results. Nothing. I am going to then assume that the battery is Ok.
2. The fuse behind the battery is not blown.
3. I replaced the ignition switch, still nothing.
As a note, when I try to turn over the motor with the key, there is no clicking just silence.
I know there are a few switches that will not allow the rider to start but I believe they were deactivated by the previous owner considering the mover would start without me sitting on the seat and it would still start in any gear.
Could it be the selenoid or starter. Your help would be appreciated and blessing will come your way I'm sure!
Thank you for your input.

Answer -
 Hello Rob:

 Hook Up the Positive Jumper Cable Lead to the Positive Post of the Battery in the Mower. Take the Other End of the Positive Jumper Cable Lead and Touch the Starter Battery Post with it.**There will be Sparks** Just Touch the Battery Post of the Starter Firmly for 5 Seconds Minimum and No More Than 8 Seconds Maxium. Did the Starter Turn? If Yes Then the Soleniod is Bad. If No the Starter is Bad or the Battery is Low/Not Charged. Battery Could have a Cell that has Shorted and Drained the Battery. If this has Happened to the Battery it Will Not Hold a Charge. Hope this Helps. Let me know what  Happens, Please.

 Good Luck



 Hello Rob:

 The Only Other thing that will cause this Problem is the Battery Cables not Getting good Connection or Being Corroded on the Inside of the Shield. If you Replace the Cables, Replace them with a Larger Diameter Cable. A Larger Cable will Allow more Amp Flow to the Starter and the Starter will give Better Service and Last Longer with Fewer Problems. Also Check the Saftey Switches that are Jumpered Out. They may not Have Good Contact. Check the Harness for a Bare/Broken Wire. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck

