Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): brakes on lawn sticking, brake spring, lawn tractor

Craftsman 42" lawn tractor. Almost every time I stop I the mtractor won't move forward or reverse. When I hold down the foot pedal and slide my foot off so that the pedal snaps back up will most times release the brakes. Sometimes I have to do this 3 or 4 times and it seems to be getting worse. Is this someting I can fix myself> I'm assuming that it's a spring that releases the brake.

 Hello Wiggin:

 It sounds like the Brake Spring is Weak or Rust has the Linkeage Binding. I would Check the Spring and if you feel you can, Lube all the Sliding Linkeage Under the Mower. To Perform the above you will have to Remove the Deck.

 Good Luck

