Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Ryobi 31cc engine / weedwhacker, weed whacker, cycle engines

Hey Eric,

I was using the weed whacker one afternoon and it stalled... Several attempts to start it failed but, I noticed something I never seen before on this trimmer, as I pulled the line, fuel was spitting out the exhuast.. I pulled the spark plug and found it soaked of course.. dried the plug, put it back in and tried again,, the engine wouldn't start and fuel was again spitting out the exhaust.... HELP !!! Thanx Kevin...

PS... I think its a great deed U do here...  

Have you tried replacing the spark plug?  Plugs frequently foul in 2 cycle engines.

Is the fuel fresh?  Depending on where you live most fuels do not have additives to keep the fuel fresh.  Using stabilizer will keep fresh fuel.  In Hawaii the fuel would only last about 30 days without the stabilizer.

How old is the trimmer?
Let me know if the plug and fuel fix the problem.
