Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Riding mower w 21 HP B&S quit today, plug checker, noisy kind

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While mowing today, the mower started getting noisy, kind of like a loud popping, almost a backfire sound.  RPM's dropped off and engine finally quit.  Tried to start it 30 minutes later, started but same symptoms, loud popping, rpm's dropped and engine quit.  Tried to start tonight with no luck.  Getting fuel to carb and spark at plug.

Suggestions?  Mower is 3 yrs old.

Thanks for your time.


Answer -
Hi Dean,

If it's popping from the exhaust, I suspect a bad exhaust valve.  Do a compression test and let me know what you find.


Hi Michael,

I have about 130 psi one side and 150 psi the other side.  When I went to take the plugs out, I did find a broken plug, replaced them today, when I tried to start, it almost didn't want to turn over with a full charge on the battery.   (Fuel in Cylinder?)  Inline spark plug checker shows spark at both sides.  After I got the thing to turn over, still hearing a popping on every stroke but it will not start.


Hi Dean,

The compression sounds fine.  You could crank it over with the plugs removed, to clear the cylinders of fuel, if present.  
The hard cranking and popping could be advanced ignition timing.  With spark, compression, fuel and air getting to the engine (Fuel IS getting not just to the carb but to the engine?) the only thing left for an engine to run is ignition timing.

Keep me posted of any progress.
Good luck,