Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snowblower Carburetor, craftsman snowblower, internal passages

I recently obtained an older Craftsman Snowblower model 536.885010.  It has a 10hp engine on it and the snowblower has sat unused for the past three years and the fuel was not drained.  Im assuming the carb is "gummed up," from evaporation of the fuel and I am curious how difficult it would be to take the carb off and clean it out to get the machine running.  Any tips or pointers on how to accomplishing this and how much disassembly of the carb will be required?  Thank you

Make sure you use a piece of tag wire to push through all of the internal passages and follow up with aerosol carb cleaner.  Compressed air and/or chemicals alone will often not clear a varnish-blocked passage.  The carburetor is a fairly simple assembly with only a dozen or so pieces.  Pay particular attention to the smaller passages and one that is inside the "stack" (the passage that extends from the carb body into the float bowl where the retaining bolt assembly attaches the float bowl).  The two mixture screws need to have initial settings of 1 1/2 turns out from lightly seated.  Hope this helps.