Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B&S engine wont start, hp model, intake tube

I will check the intake tube. I did notice that many of the bolts seemed loose on the mower but dont remember checking those.
I found some numbers but on the mower. Cant find them on the engine..maybe they are under the cowling? I dont remember seeing any though but then again, I wasnt really looking at the time so maybe I just didnt see them. is a Craftsman 20" cut, 3.5 HP Model 917.380350 Ser #005697. You know, I guess I just assumed it was a B&S because while I looking for these numbers, I didnt see a engine tag or brand......

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Hello, yes it does seem to be pretty old. The neighbor has had it for I dont know how long and it has been sitting in his garage for "a long while". I can check for the model number etc.
After some trial and error I had adjusted the float just the way you suggested and thats where it is at now. Didnt know if that was the correct way..glad to hear it was. There seems to be plenty of gas in the bowl but somehow not being picked up? I cleaned the little orifice's and all three are free and clear. I am wondering if maybe the compression is really low and it is not making enough to pull out of the carb? Or would it even run with the rag if that were the case? It seemed to run strong with the rag but I had to be really soon as I even started to remove it , the mower would promptly die. When I press the primer button, should I see an obvious squirt of fuel? I dont see any now.

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A neighbor just gave me an old Sears lawn mower with a 3.5 HP B&S. It had been sitting for years. The carb was gummed up and I cleaned it well. The darn thing will not still not start. If I remove the air filter and stuff a rag in place it will start and pretty much run. Is it too lean? I am not sure where the float should set..I tried adjusting it to what would be a "low med and high" but still will not run without the rag. It seems like it is not picking up the fuel. I can press the primer but I do not see fuel squirting out as I do. Any ideas?
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It is running too lea

If you hold the carb upside down and look at the float the float should be parallel or level with the carb base.

Does this make sence?
What is the engine model, type and code number?
It must be old...I rarely see 3.5 HP engines with a float carb.

Let me know.
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Some of the primer systems you see gas squirt from the primer but others do not.

Most 4 cycle mower engines will run with very little compression.  I would check the intake tube o-ring and where the tube enters engine block for sealing.

Can you send the mower model along with the engine numbers?

Your engine model is's a Tecumshe engine.

The problem with these carbs is they either work great or do not work at all...there's no in between.

Did you clean the carb with compressed air?  
Are the holes on the float bowl nut clean?  These holes provide most of the fuel for the engine?

If it was gummed up pretty bad you may have to completely disassemble the carb and soak it overnight in a strong carb cleaner solution.

You can remove the primer bulb with a flat blade screwdriver and replace it with a new one.  A new primer will come with a new retaining ring that can be pressed in with an approiately sized socket.

Clean the carb again with carb cleaner and compressed air from an air compressor.  Sometimes we have to clean these carbs several times before we get them to work.

Let me know how it goes.