Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Tecumseh overhead valve vent, positive crankcase ventilation, loose hose

Had problems starting my Craftsman 5.5 Tecumseh snowblower.  Changed spark plug adjusted the carborator and it started and is running well.  While the engine is running I observed what appeared to be a loose hose coming from a box on the top of the engine marked OHV (overhead valve?)  Emitting from the unconnected part of the hose was a very fine mist of gasoline.  Is this an exhaust hose? Or should it be connected to something.  I could not find anywhere that looks like it should connect to.  Thanks!

What you are observing is crankcase blow-by.  This is normal (although an excess amount indicates a high hour, high wear engine).  The opposite end should connect to air cleaner box.  This is the PCV (positive crankcase ventilation) circuit for the engine to reburn the unburnt blowby.  Hope this helps.