Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Help starting my 5HP Briggs & Stratton, briggs stratton, riding lawnmower

I asked Eric Jones this question earlier: " I have an old (maybe 1960's vintage) riding lawnmower (from Montgomery Ward's department store) with a 5hp B&S engine. I recently tried to start this and could not seem to get a spark. I tested the voltage at the plug as I turned over the engine and it registered about 6 volts. How much voltage (or amps - which don't seem to register at all on my gauge) does the plug need to create a spark. Should i replace the magneto or is there some other problem area i should be looking at?"  He replied quickly and provided an excellent suggestion to check the points.  Being unfamilar with small engine I asked a follow up -of where the points were - but unfortunately Eric is maxed out and could not respond.  At this point, I have torn down the engine and believe the points would be at the end of the wire attached to the magneto, but I can't get to it (the end of the wire).  Is this right? What do I need to do to get to the points? I noticed on a bulletin board somewhere on the net that these should be replaced every year - so I would think they wouldn't be that hard to get to - or is that just wishful thinking?
Thanks for your advice.  

Steve, You cannot measure the voltage at the spark plul lead without a special meter. The voltage is in Kilo-volts or 22,000 27,000 volts (little amps). Anyway, if the spark jumps a 3/8' gap....voltage is plenty. As to the breaker points....if the engine is worth it, convert the eng to electronic IGN.  (MAGNETRON) IT WILL BE WELL WORTH IT AND IT'S EASY. Let me know what happens.....Bob  PS go to the Briggs website for helpful info