Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): checking oil, dipstick, right reading

Hello Michael, My question is my boyfriend and I are having a despute, he says you don't have to wipe the oil stick off when checking the car when it sits over nite. I say you should always the the stick out and wipe it off and insert it again, all the time to get the right reading, I still say thats why alot of his cars ruin because of the wrong reading.  Could you please write back and let us know which is right.   Thanks so much for your time.            Diana

Hi Diana,

The reason for wiping the oil from the dipstick is to remove the extra oil above the actual level mark.  This oil gets there from either, oil splashing around while the engine is running or from the vehicle being on unlevel ground while moving.  When a vehicle or any engine sits, the oil on the stick has a chance to return to the actual level of the oil in the pan.  So checking it in the morning would give an accurate reading.  I know that this method is unconventional and most people are accustomed to always wiping the dipstick but it is not necessary in this case.  I do it without wiping.  You can test it out yourself by wiping the stick and taking a second reading after checking as is and I'm sure you will find no difference.
No matter how it is checked, an important thing is to have the vehicle on fairly level ground.
