Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): BLOWER MOTOR, propellar, blower motor


Hi,  I need your help, I am trying to replace
a gas motor on a ROOF Blower. I have two questions.   Im trying to remove the
motor from the the metal housing, first comes
the engine spline, this goes through the housing,
on the inside of the housing there is a  heavy metal propellar that the blades bolt to.
How do I remove the spline / motor.

Second question, where do I find the manufacture
on the motor so I can get one that fits.



This is a custom application that maybe one of the experts might be better suited to answer.  Sorry I can't be of help.

Your rating was uncalled for.  How am I supposed to know everything about a piece of custom equipment I've never seen?  I'd rather see someone query one of the other experts, who may know the application, than give you an uninformed answer.  If you can't appreciate that, you should open your wallet and have someone else repair it for you.