Snowmobile Repair: Stater, brownsleisureworld, ebay

Do you know anywher to get a used Stater or rebuild the one I have. It is for a 96 Artic Cat 900 Thundercat?

Hello Pam,

  I am sorry for the delay in my response, Allexperts never forwarded your question to me until just now. The OEM starter is priced high and is probably only availible through the dealer or possibly Brown's:  Ebay is always a good place to look for starters. Al's has parts at times, too :  .  As a side note, maost larger dealers, and some automotive start shops will rebuild the starter for a fraction of the cost of a new one. I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have any other questions and I will be glad to help! Good luck with the Cat! --Arcticatman