Subaru Repair: Vibration/Noise/Front Wheels on Outback 2001, cv joints, car mechanic

When I make a fairly wide left or right turn at about 20mph or higher I hear about two seconds of vibrational noise as if the car tires are running over something rippled.  At the same time my car is being tugged violently backward.  It feels like my tires are losing traction except that this noise continued after I got brand new tires.  The mechanic thought it might be the front suspension-got new struts and the car is still having the same problem (worse with the new tires).  Please help assist other areas it might be.  I had new CB joints replaced at the same time this noise happened-returned car-mechanic said the new CB joints were defective-they replaced...noise still happening!

Hey Tiffany,

This is hard to answer without driving the car.  Did the noise happen before or after the cv joints were done?  If it was there before I would say the transmission has probably developed what is called transfer clutch binding.  If it happened after the cv joints were done I would say look there.

Hope that helps
