Subaru Repair: Check engine light problem, emissions test, subaru dealership

I have an outback 2001.  Since 2003, the check engine light and/or VDC off
light goes on and off at various times.  I recently got my car inspected and it
did not pass the emissions test because of the check engine light.  The light
turned off the day after but the inspection place told me that it would still be
in memory and it needed to be reset by Subaru.  My nearest Subaru
dealership is 30 miles away and is inconvenient to say the least.  Is there a
way to "reset the memory"?  What if the problem was something I fixed myself
but there was still a log of the light having been on in the memory of the car?  
In that case I would still not pass inspection until I brought the car to Subaru
to get the memory cleared??  Doesn't make sense to me. Any thoughts?

thank you,

I don't know what state your in, and what there inspection laws are. I am in NY, and as long as the check engine light is off, it will pass. When the light is off, the component that was not working is now working. Any shop should be able to clear the codes, but then the car needs to be driven for awhile to get the monitors ready. Your dealer can inform you on what the monitors are and there purpose. I would take it somewhere else, while the light is off, and have them try to inspect it. At least find out what code is stored for future reference if needed.