Towing Issues: West Hollywood Tows Cars for Not Having Residential Parking Permit, parking enforcement officer, city of west hollywood

So I have a question I can't find an answer to in the California DMV code. In
the city of West Hollywood, many residential neighborhoods have parking
restrictions on public streets. If you do not display a parking permit they will
tow you.

Tonight I forgot to display the permit and luckily walked out just before the
tow driver was to drive away. He said it was $100 to drop it and I looked to
the parking enforcement officer and asked it was legal. He said yes, so I paid
it with my credit card.

So here are my questions:

1. Is the drop fee legal?

2. Is it legal for the city of West Hollywood to tow for violating a residential
parking permit district? I know in the city of Los Angeles they will tow you for
five unpaid tickets, parking without moving for 72 hours, blocking a driveway,
etc. I can't find anywhere in the CVC that allows a city to tow for this kind of

3. What are the regulations (or where can I find them) that regulates how
signs are posted. I see lots on how towing signs must be posted on private
property, but I'm not seeing anything for public streets.


Yes drop fee's are legal and tend to run 1/2 of the impound fee. I know there are sections in the Vehicle Code where they discuss them...

Towing for not having permits to park on residential streets, well that will not be in the "STATE VEHICLE CODE" but it will be a CITY regulation, and so you will have to see if you can find that either online at  (But I did not see anything for West Hollywood in there) You might have to go to City Hall or the library and get the rules and regulations there

Signs will be discussed in both State and City code for this, as the state has guidelines which cover signs, and then the city will have sign guidelines also.

Wish I could help more but most of the answers will be physical action to get them and since I am 2500 miles away its hard for me to do that.