Towing Issues: car towed, mall security, towing company

QUESTION: I just got my car towed from the mall parking lot and am wondering if i can be reimburse by the mall for having my car towed when there was nothing posted stating that my car could be towed.  

I was going to the mall to see a movie with my family, we were in a hurry because the movie was about to start and we parked away from a door in a front parking space. When we came out the car was gone, we then noticed a sign that said "Marked Police Parking", that was it. The sign did not say we could be towed for parking there. It wasn't after hours, it was 9:33pm. There was also no information anywhere on the towing company they use or how to get the information.  

I would never have parked there had i noticed the sign, i do however, believe that they should have it posted that your vehicle would be towed.Is it legal for them to tow my car with nothing posted?And if so, what are my chances of recovering my expenses from the mall?

ANSWER: You parked in a official designated parking space reserved for law enforcement. Since your vehicle isn't a police car it wasn't authorized to be parked there. The police and or mall had every right to remove the violating vehicle from the reserved parking space. The space was marked as you stated in the question and would think it would hurt your argument. I would think the chances of being reimbursed is very slim to none but you can try. Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Can a business tow a car if it isnt posted that it *could* towed? And if so, they also have "motorcycle parking only" would we be towed for parking there as well?      

The other issue i have with this is that the mall security walked right passed us, went right to our car (based on the time stated on the ticket)and put a mall "ticket" on it, saying that the next violation would result in towing since they would forever have a record of our car, however, less than an hour.later the towing company had our car.

- "motorcycle parking only" means just that, motorcycles only. Just like handicap parking is the for handicap and no parking signs mean no parking.

- "Can a business tow a car if it isnt posted that it *could* towed?" Depends on the situation, property, county, city and state. Basically more information is required because it's not a simple yes or no answer.

- "The other issue i have with this is that the mall security walked right passed us, went right to our car (based on the time stated on the ticket)and put a mall "ticket" on it, saying that the next violation would result in towing"

If you were present and saw them put the ticket on the vehicle then the vehicle should have been moved right then. If you were not present they have every right to remove the vehicle from the reserved properly maked parking space for the police because it's on private property.