Towing Issues: Private Property Towing and Proof, private security company, security supervisor

There have now been 3 separate occasions that we have received a yellow WARNING Parking Violation by a private security company for a private street in our neighborhood.  It is a subdivision in CA, and the rule states that there is a 96 hour Parking Max.  Each time we received the tickets instead of the date and time of the supposed towing yet to occur it says ANY day ANY time.  

After the first time, I called and found out there was a 96 hour limit...fine so we started moving the vehicle every 3 days.  

Then the second time I called and said I see that our tires are being marked by chalk on the side wall (not the tread)...even when we drive it, we're in CA and it doesn't rain much so we can still see markings on the side after it's been moved.  The security supervisor told me that they mark on the tread and it comes off once it's driven, I said okay so long as "all the officers know where to mark the tires" then I guess we shouldn't worry about it get towed EVEN THOUGH we're moving the truck and the chalk is staying on the sides of the tires.  

Now the third time that we received the WARNING vehicle will be towed ANY day ANY time notice left on 11/11/09 4:17 (doesn't state AM or PM)  I called to once again clarify under what conditions the car would be towed and how they determine when they place the notice that it can be towed at ANY day or TIME.  The man told me he checked and on 11/9/09 at 1am the tires were chalked and since on 11/11/09 the chalk was still there and the vehicle had not been moved the WARNING was placed to let us know any time from that point it could be towed.  I said but it was over 60 miles away in a parking garage on 11/10/09...there's no way there could still be chalk and there's no way if someone was actually checking daily that they would think that it hadn't been moved.  He called me a LIAR, and said that until your vehicle gets towed I don't know why you are bothering me.  I let him know that we constantly move our truck and still get notices that it can be TOWED ANYTIME EVEN THOUGH NOT EVEN 24 hours HAD PASSSED SINCE IT HAD LAST BEEN MOVED.

Please let me know what we can do, BEFORE OUR TRUCK GETS TOWED despite our following the rules?

I would suggest contacting the owner or a supervisor. I would also recommend taking photos and video of the parking, the movement and the chalk marks on the tires. If you have a GPS you can also log where you have been. I would save the documentation and video/photos and make a copy of the tickets. If you have any proof of parking in the parking deck 60 miles away I would also include that. If they do not listen to you or accept the documentation then I would contact an attorney. If they do tow you vehicle they could be responsible for a penalty of twice the towing fee and a high fine.