Towing Issues: unrightfully towed, private property owners, better business bureau

QUESTION: I was parked behind a relocated Right Aid and was towed by the company that has the contract for the lot.  cars have been parking in this old Right Aid lot for some time without any problems.  upon further investigation I found out that the constraction company across the street called the towing company to have the cars removed.  The towing company then contacted the lot owner who informed them that Right Aid still owned the lease on the lot, not the construction company.  Towing company asked Right Aid for authorization and was not given and they towed the lot anyway.  the towing company now refuses to talk to me.  what can I do??

ANSWER: It would help if I knew what state you are in, but most states require authorization from private property owners to remove a vehicle. I would contact local law enforcement and advise them that the vehicle was towed without proper authorization. Let me know the state and I can advise you further.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am in Westchester PA.  I talked to the police last week and they weren't very helpful, they said something about filing a civil suit or something...  thanks

I would recommend sending a letter (registered mail) to the towing company requesting the information you want. Also notify the Better Business Bureau that are quick to help and you can file a complaint on line. Another good site is they get a lot of results. If you find out your vehicle was towed without permission I would then contact an attorney or consider filing a small claims case yourself.