Towing Issues: Damage to Universal Joint, 89 ford ranger, tow operator

I have a '89 Ford Ranger 2WD that was towed recently.  After recovering my vehicle, I noticed the truck would shake and shudder.  I had to have the 3rd Universal Joint (the one closest to the differential)replaced.  It literally broke.  I park the truck without the parking brake, but leave the vehicle in gear when I park.  I've had the U-joints replaced a couple years ago.  My question to you is if it's possible the towing damaged the Universal joint?  

Thank you

My question would be was the drive shaft disconnected and reinstalled in order to tow the truck? If they were I think you have a strong argument if they were replaced incorrectly. An experienced mechanic can tell if the bolts and straps were recently removed. I'm assuming it wasn't because those trucks are so easy to unlock and put into neutral. Most tow operators would take the easiest option and unlock the vehicle before crawling under it. Look for tell tale signs/marks on the ground if the truck was dragged from a parking space and a sure sign of a sub standard tow operator. If it was that puts a lot of strain on the drive train and could certainly aid in a accelerated service life. I hope this wasn't the case and will assume the company that towed your truck is professional and offers quality service. Even if it was wheel lifted backwards it is good practice to put the trans. in neutral when lifting then put back in gear once elevated, the tow operator would have to tie off the steering wheel also. I my opinion if you feel the tow company damaged the vehicle you should have immediately brought it to their attention and not waited until it broke. As a side note, U joints are a high wear and tear item and do need replacing more often than other car parts, it could simply be a case that the U joint was at or near it's service life when the truck was towed.