Towing Issues: 46.55.063 Contract Availability for Review, contract availability, towing company

In reference to a private party contract (rca 46.55.063 WA State), does the towing company have to produce a copy of the contract for inspection by a party that has had their vehicle towed? When I asked the towing company for a copy and also proof of who requested the tow, I was told that I could see it if I went to court.

Well since I am not a lawyer, I can not tell you exactly if you are or would be entitled to see the written contract between the towing company and the property owner / management...

But I am guessing that you would need to be in court for that to happen...
I do believe (my thoughts here) that you can be told who authorized the tow away of the vehicle...  Now as to how we did it when I worked in the Seatac area, we had the "authorized person" sign a space on our tow invoice which was marked "requested by"

That was what we did 20 years ago when I worked up there. But keep in mind now that the "privacy laws" and stuff like that have changed and as such you might not be supplied with that information anymore.

I know what in several cities and states, laws have stated that information is provided but that is only in certain areas. Washington has always had good laws protecting the property owners, towing companies and yes the vehicle owners but I am not aware of any changes regarding supplying the information you are looking for.

Hope this helps.