Towing Issues: no towing signs, car got towed., tow company, tow cars

QUESTION: Hi, my car got towed at a private parking lot in Portland, Oregon where there's no signs saying your car will be towed if you park there, can you please tell me if the law requires them to post the sign out in order to charge the towing fee/tow cars? I paid $185.50 and so as my two other coworkers who also parked next to our company's parking lot.

Please give me some advice. Also, we all paid with credit cards, can we dispute the transaction? would the towing company allow that? The towing company won't cut as a discount to get our car back!>.<

Please help! Thank you sooooo much.

ANSWER: Well, since you mentioned Portland, I used to work there and know there are sign requirements for posting lots for tow aways.

The law says that signs have to be posted at the entrances to the lot, and while they might of been there sometimes signs get damaged or destroyed by weather or irate "customers" who have been towed...    Where I used to work we towed from one parking lot downtown and the bar customers used to tear down the signs as soon as we put them up...
But the lot also had a building next to each entrance and we also posted signs in the windows INSIDE THE BUILDING... It meet the requirements and was legal and they were always there.

Now depending on the lot you might of just missed the signs due to trees or other vehicles..  But if it is next to your work parking lot you should be aware of problems there. My question here is why did you not park in your companies parking lot?   Was it full of vehicles for people at the business you parked at?

Now the City of Portland in all its wonderful intelligence has regulated the rates that can be charged by the tow company. THAT MEANS the City sets the rates. Can the tow company give a discount,  NOPE as it would violate the law.
Sorry to say that.  

Now as to the credit card issue, I would say yes you can dispute the transaction, but remember one thing, the law said they have to take the card, and as such they are also allowed to follow laws regarding theft of services, and other issues..

Of course the credit card company will take and listen to the whole argument but the fact you parked in parking lot you were not authorized to be in and got towed, does not usually stand up.  And since the City sets the rates, you have no argument on fees being excessive.  I think it would be a battle you would lose.

I am sorry but this stuff happens a lot and the good and bad is that Portland has tried to make things work out good for each party involved...  The property owner who had the vehicles towed for trespassing on his property, the tow company who responded to the call to remove the vehicles, the vehicle owner who has some rights left, and the tow company who has laws to follow.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I've always drive by that entrance and there's never a towing sign.

I think it was unlawful for them to tow my car because:


It shall be unlawful to tow a vehicle from a private parking facility unless the private parking facility meets the following signage requirements:
1. At least one sign shall be posted and readily visible at each entryway into the parking lot, not more than 10 feet from the public right of way or street edge.  Such signs shall:
A. Be posted so that the center of the sign is not more than eight (8) feet nor less than four (4) feet above the ground; and
B. Be at least 18" x 24" in size; and
C. State that parking is prohibited, reserved or otherwise restricted; and
D. State who is authorized to park and the hours during which parking is restricted;
   EXAMPLE:  Parking for customers of "[        ]" only during [  ] hours.
E. State that towing and storage of a vehicle will be at the vehicle owner's expense; and
F. Prominently display the PPI tower's name and 24 hour telephone contact number for release of a vehicle, and
G. Be maintained so as to remain unobstructed by any tree, shrub, bush, vehicle or other obstacle.

The sign issue is one that is key here... YES  I knew the law, and all I have to go on is what you are telling me.  I try to provide both sides of information for answers..

The City has a towing officer who handles complaints for impounds which might or might not be legal.. I know that is not a good answer, but I can not provide answers on how they will rule or not...

Contact the City and see what you can do... They will investigate and maybe they will rule in your favor.