Towing Issues: Towing in a mobile home resident, mobile home park, tow truck company



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Question -
My daughter parked in front of my residence in a mobile home park for approximately 5 min. just long enough to have a drive by towing service contracted by the park manager of Greenfield Mobile Home Estates hitch her vehicle.  The contract with the towing company was with the former park manager, currently we do not have a park manager.  My question is the contract with the towing company still binding.  I have been trying to get in touch with the management company to get a copy of the contract, to no avail and no one is returning my calls.  We are allowed to park the vehicle with the hazard lights on for 15 min if we are temporarily loading or unloading.  The tow truck company had to have been in the park patrolling.  I tried to get telephone information from the towing
company for a contact information and they would not assist me.  The guy not only gave me bogus information on his name, but also gave me a wrong telephone number for his towing company, luckily I copied the information from his truck.  Can you please tell me on where to go from here to get reimbursed for towing.

Answer -
Patrol towing is a huge problem in California. Please let me know if you are in San Diego county, and I can advise you on how to contact members of the task force investigating illegal tow operators. My guess is that since the contract was with the former park manager, the old contract would not be binding. Also, a property owner must be present to sign an order to tow a vehicle--under any circumstances. Recent federal legislation provides that "predatory" towing is illegal. I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can put you in touch with the proper authorities so that you can file a formal complaint and get this situation resolved.

Yes I am in the San Diego County area and am very interested in contacting the task force for illegal tow operators.  Also I have spoke with several people in the park, and it and seems like they charge whatever price they want.  In my daughters case it was $110.00.

The telephone number to the San Diego District Attorney, Econmic Crimes Division, is (619)531-4070. Ask to speak to Eva Casey or Tricia Pummill. They are coordinating the task force and can direct you further. You can also file a formal complaint with the California Department of Motor Vehicles, Investigations Unit. Call (858)627-3951 for more information. Good luck!