Toyota Repair: Dual overhead cam valve stem seals, valve stem seals, dual overhead cam

I have a 1983 Toyota cressida 5MGE 6 cylinder twin overhead cam with 122,000 miles Automatic trans.If I let idle in parking lot for 20 minutes or more than drive down the street it will smoke out of tailpipe a little for 20-30 seconds then clears up. Uses one quart at 1000 miles. Without removing the heads to replace valve stem seals, what special tools do I need and does the cam shaft need to be removed to replace seals? I have air compressor to put air in cylinder.

The camshafts and the upper camshaft housings have to be removed to get to the valves, you'll need a way to pessurize each cylinder that you are working on to keep the vlaves from falling into the cylinder, you will need air pressure and a hose that goes into the spark plug hole, a vlave spring compressor socket will also be needed these parts are available at most tool and autosupply stores.