Toyota Repair: 19994 Toyota Factory remote door locks, toyota 4runner, reverse id

QUESTION: How  to  re program the Factory remote  for opening door , 1995 Toyota 4Runner?

ANSWER: Do you have a working remote? If not please upload a picture of the remote you have so I can look up which system you have.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Have what I believe is 954Runner factory remote, small dark green, with one round black button  and one rectangular light green button.  Remote has fresh batteries and appears to work. Red light flashes when either button pressed.  Picture would not upload AS JPG OR PDF. REVERSE ID INFO: DOC/MDC342 K1060  


That is not a factory remote, in 1995 factory keyless entry was not offered, they were added at the dealer or the port of entry, your best bet is to contact a toyota dealer, it may have an Rs3000 system which was dealer installed, I have no way of knowing which system it has or if even this remote is the correct one.