Toyota Repair: 2002 RX 300 bought used in 2005, gas mileage, auto zone

Dear Ted
My check engine light and vsc light has been on for the last few months.  Lexus wants $300 to diagnose & fix it.  I went to an Auto zone who put a meter on it and told me it is causing me to loose gas mileage.  I kind of figured that with the way my gas tank is always low  I'm a senior citizen with SS as my only income, can you recommend someone I can ask who would not overcharge me on purpose to fix it?  If I go back to the man at auto zone could he tell me where the switch is located & if I could see if I could find someone to do it for me?  Also if a light is burned out and the lightbulb comes on the dash is it true it only refers to a rear lightbulb not a front light bulb burned out?  That's what Lexus told me also, even though my front right high beam is truly burned out. thank you for any help you can give. my zip code is 33980.

I'll be glad to try to help you, first I'll have to ask you to go back to autozone and have the computer scanned again and ask then for the trouble code numbers, write these down or get a printout, these numbers are important so I can help diagnosing this.I don't want their explanation of what it might be, just the check engine light diagnostic numbers.
The warning light on the dash is for the rear lights only, it's usually on because a bulb is either burned out or has too much resistance, the brake light on the rear shelf is usally the problem, you can check the bul by removing the cover, I think it just pulls off. Please reply back to me with the diagnostic code numbers and we'll continue from there.