Toyota Repair: Brakes problem, caliper pistons, brake rotors

I have a 1997 Toyota Camry.  I started getting soft pedal so my husband changed out my front pads and we bled the brakes.  I told him something still didn't feel right..I still had soft pedal and my car pulled and vibrated when applying my brakes.  I Now my front driver side brake pads are totally worn...after just about 3 months...and ABS light keeps coming on.  So soft pedal, pulls, pulsating feel...and wearing one rather quickly...I don't know if I may have a vacuum hose leak or if power booster is going out or what...but I have to pump everytime I need to stop.

The vibration/pulsation of the brake pedal can cause the soft pedal feel, I would suggest replacing the brake rotors and the pads again. Also making sure the caliper pistons are free to move as well as the sliding pins that hold the caliper on to the brackets, the should move freelt and should be lubricated when the brake pads are replaced.