Toyota Repair: Ect trans 95 toy pu, electric solenoids, adjustment screw

QUESTION: 95toy 2 wh drive4sp auto w/push button o.d.Will not shift out of 1st when cold,but after warm and 1st shift acts normal.have changed filter and fluid,and flushed trans 4 times do to black fluid on dip stick after each fluid change.problem still there.cable adjustments per factory specs...just had this rebuilt a few months back.any suggestions?? 2000 miles and 8 states from home. Thank you in advance for any help u may give

ANSWER: Unfortunately there are no adjustments to change shifting patterns, there seems to be an internal problem with the transmission, try to shift it manually through the gears, if that can be done then it's a control problem, possibly the computer (ECM).   

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Just lost air intake idler screw on throttle body as I was going to church.put a rubber vaccum cap over it and it seems to be running fine and actually shifting better than b4.will it hurt anything running it like that,and could this be a contributing factor to the shifting prob?as far as I know there is no modulator valve on this year toyota,correct?Are there any vaccum actuated shifting sensors in the ECT trannys?rhp4v

No there are no vacuum activated shifting sensors, it's an electronically controlled transmission that uses electric solenoids to determine shift points. That adjustment screw is not available seperately, if it seems to idle and run ok you can leave it plugged up.