Toyota Repair: toyota rav 4 oil overfill, toyota rav 4, engine gasket

can having too much oil put inthe engin cause the top cover engine gasket to leak as well as the oil pan gasket? just had an oil service at the dealer(always here) about a week ago, and the car engine is starting to make some kind of fanning noise as well. Sorry I also would like to know what is a "air induction service" and should it cost $78 in labor...does that sound right?

Tha would depend on how much overfilled it was, if only about a quart it won't have any effect but if it was filled twice then that could cause a problem. The air induction service usually involves cleaning the inside of the throttle body and running an "efi cleaner" through the intake, cleaning the inside of the throttle body is recommended to prevent stalling conditions the efi cleaner does not do much so I would make sure the throttle body is cleaned, if the car has more than 60,000 miles on it. Throttle body cleaning usually runs at about one hour labor time so $78 sounds reasonable.