Toyota Repair: alarm sounding when lights go off., toyota yaris, model toyotas

Hi there. Just recently took my car in for a service. I asked them to check the sounding of the alarm as it doesnt go off when the lights are left on. I have a Toyota yaris T1 - 3 door no air con. Eventually when the time came to pick up the vehicle and asked about if they fixed the issue with the lights sound alarm not going off they said that the vehicle never came equipped with that feature. I told them when i bought the car from them it had the alarm soundy thingy going on and it was working. I'm sure I'm not going mad as all T1 Yaris's come with this feature. (please correct me if im wrong.) What would be the best solution in order for them to do there job properly as I bought this car brand new from them and am I right for wanting them to fix the alarm sounding issue?

I assume you are talking about the warning sound that goes off when the lights are left on, on most late model toyotas this feature can be turned off and on using the diagnostic scantool at the dealer, ask them to connect the tool and see if this feature is turned on.