Toyota Repair: knock sensor location, knock sensor location, insulation condition

QUESTION: hi I got a 1988 4 runner and my check engine light is on when I start driving the car, so i went to check it out whith a computer and I was told that this was a knock sensor, but I cannot find the location of the sensor on my V6 3.0 engine so can you tell me where is it?

ANSWER: The knock sensor is located between the two cylinder head sunder the intake manifold, the intake chamber and the intake manifold have to be removed. When replacing the knock sensor always replace the wire as well.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello! Thank you a lot , I found the knock sensor but I got another problem then - the knock sensor wire is in really bad shape and I cannot find this part in any store or online is there any way to fix the wire myself or not? Because I figured out this is not a standard wire ...

Your'e right it's not a standard wire, the toyota dealer should have this wire as it was the same until about 1993, if that's not an option you can cat shielded wire at any electronics type supply store, just make sure the center wire is the same diameter and that the sield is connected to the connector just like the original, this wire is extremely sensitive to outside electrical interference. Make sure any other wiring for the injectors etc. is also insulated, if the original insulation covers are broken or missing try wrapping them in flexible ribbed wire covering, also available at the elctronics store.  90% of the time the check engine light comes on because of this type of wiring insulation condition.