Toyota Repair: 2000 Avalon Dash board troubles, mass airflow sensor, nox sensor

QUESTION: My 2000 Avalon has been a good car up until now. At 80,000 miles, I had the sludge problem fixed by Toyota, but now at 150,000 there seems to be complications which may be due to the sludge and other problems. The dealer said the code was saying the Nox sensor needed replacing, an $1800 job. I took it to another mechanic, and he said the O2 sensor is clogged, oil pump may need replacing and the Nox sensor may not be the problem. He says it may need the Mass Airflow sensor replaced, with the estimate at $3,000. He suggests getting rid of it, but the price of used cars are not cheap.  what would you suggest?

ANSWER: Knock sensors are rarely the problem they merely react to a larger problem. Your'e getting conflicting information neither of which sounds credible. The first thing I will need to know what the trouble codes are in the computer at this time, can you provide this information for me?

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QUESTION: The trouble code you requested are as follow:

PO171 (too lean Bank 1)
PO330 (knock sensor 1, bank 2)
P1150 (air fuel circuit range)
1 Per.Bank 2
PH55 - O2 Bank 2 Sensor 1 Heater
Oil pri cold 120 psi, hot 10 psi
Idleer pully tery O2 sensor L.O.F.
Poss. MAF. + Knok sensors

The mechanic suggested to use OIL Flush, and change the oil/filter. I did that today plus put in fuel treatment as well  as put in premium gas. The oil with Flush came out very dark. I'm going to try it again next week.

ANSWER: The code you need to be concerned about is the po171 too lean code as this could affect the o2 sensors as well as the knock sensor, yes it could be a dirty MAF sensor so I would start there after looking for obvious reasons like disconnected vacuum hoses. The clear all codes and see what happens, one of the o2 sensors may fail again and if so replace it.    

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QUESTION: After getting the car back, the Speedometer, tachometer, hot/color, fuel garage, as well as the lighted parts of the dash board -- time/date, temperature outside lights don't come on. The check engine light works. I checked the fuses today with a meter and they all seem to work. What do you think I should check? The mechanic took the battery off and put it back on when checking the engine.

There is a switch on the dash to turn the display on/off, it's probably set to off or it just needs to be reset, I don't remember exactly how I did this the last time but try to press the DISPLAY button and see if the on/off button shows up.If you still have the owner's manual it should say in there how to turn display on/off.