Toyota Repair: 91 camry camshaft alignment, dowel pins, alignment marks

am replacing the head gasket on a 1991 camry 2.0 litre, 3S FE engine.  When removing the camshafts i foolishly did not mark them to know the correct positioning when replacing them.  The first camshaft is easy to place because the camshaft sprocket indicates the correct positioning.  The Question:  How do i place Camshaft number Two correctly,  Where is the mark, Which way is up???

Both camshaft gear dowel pins should point up, the alignment marks are on the back of the gears, they are the single dots which are larger, these must be lined up with each other, the smaller dots are assembly marks only. One of the gears is a two piece gear that is spring loaded, did you install a service bolt so the gear can't unwind, if this is not done there will be a lot of engine noise when put back together.