Toyota Repair: 99 Camry right rear blinker, local junk yards, easy job

My right rear blinker won't work anymore. I've replaced bulbs, mechanic checked fuses, Toyota did diagnostic and said it's the integration relay, and will replace it for $600. Have read online that it could be after market bulbs that do not pick up the signal the same as a Toyota bulb. Is this correct? Do you think it's the integration relay? Should I just go ahead with this really expensive repair for the blinker? Is there any way for me to replace the integration relay myself to save on labor? Thanks for your help.

Yes, you can replace the relay yourself to save money. In fact, you might want to look in your local junk yards to find a relay. You will need to find one from the same year/make/model. If you do, you should find a wiring digram (from your local library) to locate the relay on the car, then replace it. It's a relativly easy job. I do not think that an aftermarket bulb would cause this problem.