Toyota Repair: 04 Toyota Highlander problem, cv axle, toyota highlander

While driving home from the grocery store this evening (total of less than 2 miles), our otherwise perfect 2004 Highlander started making noises from the front passenger side; sounded like from the wheel area.  The VSC light came on and went off & on the way home.  The vehicle was bucking and making a grinding noise and made like it wanted to stop (like the brakes were being engaged).  Made it home but it was not easy; if it was any further, I think it would have needed a tow.  Thank you very much for any information or insight...Paul

Don't drive the vehicle. I don't know how many miles are on it
but it could be anything from a wheel bearing to a CV axle. A technician needs to remove the wheel and inspect it. I suggest
you have it towed to a repair shop and have them look at it.
