Toyota Repair: 2008 prius washer tube, windshield washer fluid, washer nozzles

My windshield washer fluid stopped working recently. When I opened the  hood to investigate I noticed a small critter had chewed through the washer fluid tube. My dealer wants to take apart the cowling & inspect wires (not covered under warrenty). He said it will take a couple of hours and I'm afraid to see what the final bill will be. I'd rather just replace the tube myself however don't see where the hose is routed to the washer tank to replace it. It appears I can unscrew the tank and replace that way but would like to know how it's routed back up to the hood. Can you help? How long a tube should I buy?

I would, at this time just replace the damaged part of the hose, the hose is available at any autoparts store so are the plastic fittings that can be used to splice the new hose piece in. The hose is routed inside the right front fender under the inner fender lining and comes up near the cowl and connects to the washer nozzles.