Toyota Repair: 97 tacoma acceleration stumble, air intake hose, phillips screws

QUESTION: I have a 97 v6 Tacoma manual trans has 155k miles, it has a miss or stumble on heavier acceleration. So I can not pass anyone or it stumbles and barely accelerates, the tach dosen't seem to bouce or drop. If it starts to do this I back off the pedal and ease back into it and most of the time it doesn't happen again until I get on it. I have replaced fuel filter, air filter and spark plugs. When I replaced the spark plugs the tips were green, after replacing the plugs I can accelerate better and not get the stumble for a few weeks to a month. I have been replacing plugs about every 4-5 months. I have checked the ground wire by the intake. I had a K&N intake on it and put it back to stock but no change.    thanks

ANSWER: Does the check engine light turn on and go back off or is it on now?

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QUESTION: No it has not come on at all. The stumble is like its lacking fuel or somethimg.

ANSWER: Make sure to use the correct spark plugs, try the OEM plugs from the toyota dealer, these engines are designed to use the dual electrode spark plugs only and can develop driveability problems when using aftermarket platinum types.

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QUESTION: Yes I do use the dual electrode plugs. Can you think of anything else. thanks

thanks, this may or may not work but it's the only thing I can think of at this time, remove the air intake hose from the throttle body and clean the inside of the throttle body with a brush and some spray intake system cleaner, remove the MAF sensor located just behind the air cleaner, it has two phillips screws, remove them and pull the MAF off and clean the inside with electronic spray cleaner, let me know if this helps.