Toyota Repair: starting problem, throttle position sensor, toyota camry

QUESTION: I have a 2000 Toyota Camry with 210,000 miles on it, 4 cylinder. At times when I turn the ignition it fires right up but immediately dies but if I give it a little gas and then hold the gas pedal down it will continue to run and is then fine when I put it in gear and drive. Could this be a throttle position sensor?

most likely with that many miles its the intake. It needs to be cleaned with a full can of carb cleaner. Don't have a shop look at it.
They will replace everything from the windshield to the tires at your expense. Get back to me and I'll instruct you how to clean it.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Tim. I would appreciate the instructions on how to clean it but isn't this fuel injected or will that matter?

Remove rubber air intake. With the engine off, hold throttle all the way open and spray a full can of carb cleaner in intake. Make sure you turn your face away while doing this, fumes are bad to breath.
Now jack up car just behind the passenger front tire, let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes, this will make a lot of the residue run back out.
Remove the jack, replace the rubber air intake. Now start the car, it will smoke a lot out the tailpipe. Test drive car.