Toyota Repair: Toyota 22re will not start, toyota 22re, engine cranks

When I try to start my 89 4x4 22re, the engine cranks once then makes a high pitch squeal.  I pulled the starter and tested's fine.  The fan and distributor turn while I'm trying to start it.  It sounds and feels much different than a normal turn over.  It just won't grab.  Battery and connections are fine.  What am I missing?  Thanks for any help.

Your starter could be fine. I have no other idea what the "high pitch squeal" sounds like of course because I am not there to hear it. It sound like it MIGHT be a faulty flywheel. This is just an estimate, but I would bet that your toyota has gone through about 3-5 "re-manufactured" starters since 1989 when it was sold. During this time, all the new pinion gear on the starter wears out the flywheel gear that it will mesh with. Therefore, your flywheel gear might be worn down to the point that it is causing you starter problems. If you're telling me that your truck engine is turning over each starting attempt, then we have a whole different ball game.

Please advise.