Toyota Repair: 2000 Tundra wont start, but then it does, battery info, battery terminals

Our 2000 Tundra won't start.  We replaced the battery a few months ago.  I went to get it smog tested yesterday and it would not start, then it did.  The tech had me drive around for twenty minutes to so the computer had enough info.  It passed the test.  Then today it won't start, won't go into gear, shows a dead battery for a few seconds, then all the lights and battery info comes on and it only clicks and goes dead.  Is this the battery? We have an alarm and Lo-jack, but no other after market things like stereos.  


Check the battery conncetions, remove the terminals and make sure there is no corrosion and if necessary clean the battery terminals and the battery posts and make sure the terminals are cleam and tight, the starter draws a lot of current from the battery and if the terminals do not have a good connection it will cause problems like this.