Toyota Repair: 1988 toyoya camry wagen a/c, toyoya camry, freon

Mag. clutch will not operate, no batt on one side of plug, I do have grd on other side.I found the a/c relay, or at least where should be, but says  'dimmer" Is this the relay, in your opinion do you think it's the relay's fault? Please help.

Can the compressor be activated by applying 12volts directly from the battery to the terminal from the compressor? If yes then there are a couple of reasons that there is no voltage to the compressor, the system may be low on freon, if there is not enough pressure the A/C amplifier unit will not allow the compressor to turn on, the first step should be to make sure that there is enough static freon pressure in the system, this can be done using a/c pressure gauges.