Toyota Repair: Electrical problems, toyota solara, fuse box

1999 Toyota Solara Electrical problem: my car I just replaced battery and alternator because my battery busted and cracked somehow. The new battery and alternator worked to run the car but 20mins later wouldn't start again. What could be the electrical problem? What could be draining power that fast? PLease help don't have much more money to keep trying to fix it. thanks

It sounds like the battery is still not getting charged by the alternator, if a voltmeter is available connect it across the battery positive and negative terminals with the engine running you should get a voltage reading of around 13.5-14volts. If it's less than that the alternator is not charging the battery. Check the alternator fuse under the hood in the black fuse box, it's clearly marked in the cover and it's rated at 7.5 amps.