Toyota Repair: Window very hard to roll, and rainwater leak passenger floorboard, haynes manual, silicon spray


I have 3 issues to address since I've taken the dashboard and door panel off.  Removing the dashboard was very difficult and time-consuming, so I need to address these now, though the window is very important too.  This regards a 1987 Toyota P/U, the basic 2WD with 22R engine.  

1. My driver's window has been difficult to roll up and down (it's manual) for quite a while.  Probably 2 years ago, I took off the door trim panel to try to fix it.  The window appeared to be in its channel correctly, and I didn't find a source of the problem.  I lubed everything that I could find--grease or petroleum based spray on metal contact points and silicon spray in the channels at the front and back of the glass.  It didn't seem to do much good.  Since most of the mechanism is still behind the metal inner part of the door, I couldn't see everything well. Perhaps I missed something.  Now, it's gotten so difficult that I've just got to diagnose and fix it; it is extremely hard to roll up, perhaps related to Winter.  My Haynes manual doesn't mention this problem at all, and I couldn't find it mentioned about this model on the internet.  I hope that you can help.

2. I've had a rainwater leak on the passenger floorboard for at least 2 years, maybe it had been longer.   A little water appears there sometimes after a rain. Recently, I noticed that the driver's side floormat insulation was sopping wet (I could tell because a hole has worn in the mat.  I had delayed addressing this because I've been busy, and I knew that getting up into the source would be difficult. I removed the floormat (which was difficult enough, and it was sopping on both sides, though not in the middle, over the transmission hump), and put paper towels all along the upper floorboard to localize the leak when the next rain came.  It came from behind the blower unit (on passenger side on this truck).  Since the driver's side towels were dry, I assumed that the driver's side mat insulation/padding got wet by wicking from the passenger side, even though the middle of the floormat wasn't totally wet (maybe it dried as the water pooled to the low spots on both sides of it).  Anyway, I have to take the blower unit off to find where the leak is behind it.  Since there wasn't always a leak, I'm guessing that perhaps some foam insulation around a fresh air intake has deteriorated to cause this. To get to the blower, I had to remove the entire dashboard, which has taken me several hours over several days.  I'm finally at the blower unit and can't tell how to remove the darn thing.  I've removed 2 obvious nuts at the top, but can't see how to get the thing off.  My stupid Haynes manual says that the blower is "readily accessible beneath the dashboard," and just says to "remove the screws" holding the motor to the heater unit housing, as if it's that simple.  I don't need just the motor off anyway; I need to remove the whole blower unit there, which seems to be attached to the whole heating system without obvious disconnections.  Well, whatever you can tell me about how to remove this will be appreciated.  Also, do you have an idea what may be causing the leak? If I manage to get the blower unit off, it may be difficult for me to pinpoint the leak source.

3.  This is currently more minor than the 1st two above, but since I had to take the instrument panel off, perhaps I can fix this: the fuel gauge often doesn't move from empty when I start the truck.  This problem may become THE important problem if it stops working completely.  I've often got it to work by banging on the instrument panel, though not always.  After removing the panel and lens, I figured I'd find the gauge sticky at Empty, but it wasn't physically sticky at all; there was nothing obviously impeding the needle.  Even after I played with it, moving the needle back and forth, it still wouldn't move initially when I plugged it back in the truck to test it.  Any suggestion?

Thanks a lot,

The window problem is probably caused by a binding window regulator, it may have to be replaced. The water leak is most likely caused by a leaking windshield seal, I have no more information available to me for this nodel as far as removing the entire heater ducting, the fuek gauge problem could be related to a malfunctioning sending unit inside the fuel tank.