Toyota Repair: key switch stuck in the locked position, lock cylinder, toyota pickup

My son has a 89 toyota pickup and the key will not move from the lock position. I see the pin that must be depressed but I can't depress it. Does it have to be in the ACC position and if so can I drive a screwdriver in the key slot and move it without any further damage?

Yes it has to be in the ACC position or the pin can't be depressed, sometimes making another key helps,the key may eventually be turned to the acc position by repeated tries. If it can't be put into acc position the the key lock cylinder may have to be drilled out, also try to hammer the pin in enough to pull the lock cylinder out, this works sometimes, the only other option is to just replace the entire lock housing and a new lock cylinder. The screwdriver idea will not work, it will just break off in the lock.