Toyota Repair: 2003 Camry gear shifter, automatic, brake light switch, 2006 camry

My 2003 Camry did not want to be taken out of park - I pressed on the brake, like usual, but it is as if the brake press was not recognized.  I read your comment about the 2006 Camry, but I've never spilled anything in the car or on the shifter,  gear mechanism.  After restarting the car and looking in the manual for what happened to be void of information on this problem - the car could be taken out of park.

A common problem when this happens is that the brake light switch has a malfunction, the brake lights probably did not work at the same time you were having the shifting difficulty, the computer sees this as the brakes not applied and will not let it shift out of park, the solution is to replace the brake light switch.