Toyota Repair: electrical, toyota celica gt, battery gauge

it's a 1988 toyota celica gt-s... the engine was still running when this happened... my engine didn't die so i'm pretty sure my alternator isn't the problem... i've checked my fuses, circuit breakers and replaced all fusible links... it's like a main part of where the power for my electrical components get it's power suddenly stopped sending power... plus i do remember a burnt smell as i left the junkyard followed by the death of all electrical on my dash, my stereo... even my turning signal, stop lights and head lights don't work... only thing working is the dome light side door lights and the beeping sound when i open the door... but the car starts fine...
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as i was driving home from the junkyard all my electrical components just died. the only ones left working are dome light inside door lights. the ones that died are the radio, headlights, tail lights, instrument panel, even the rpm gauge,gas gauge, battery gauge, turn signals. i've checked my fuses and links i don't know what ese to check... if you could give me any kind of help, that would be great
I need to know what year/model it is, the only thing I could suggest is that the alternator may have stopped charging the battery and the battery finally went dead, what happens when you try to jump with another battery?

These earlier model celicas used fusible link wire connected to the positive battery post to feed the rest of the system, there may be a fuse link wire burned, check with a test light to see if the wires are open, start right after the battery connection and trace the wires downward, you may have to remove some insulation, fusible wire is available at most autoparts stores.