Toyota Repair: mr2 s/c wont start, victor victor, signal output

my friend got an mr2 super charger it wont start ,the car have current to the injectors but no pulsation,have current to the ign,coil but no to the distribuitor or spark cables,when we crank the engine the circuit opening relay activate the fuel pump,the flow meter and trotle possition sensor works,but still no signal to the inj,or dist,some one tell me the ecu has gone..anny help  will be appreciate,,,thanks.               p.s. if you can send to my email the wiring diagram of this "1989 mr2 super charger" maybe it help me a lot thanks again   .victor


I am sorry, but I do not have any wire diagrams that I can send you.  It sounds to me like your not getting a NE or IG1 signal from the distributor. This could be a simple broken timing belt not turning the distributor or just a bad distributor. To test it you need an oscilloscope to observe the signal output.  I would check that T-belt first though..

Good Luck!!!