Toyota Repair: 1989 Camry rough running and stalling, coolant temperature sensor, diagnostic port

I have an 89 Camry LE V6.  I had to have it towed to the repair shop because it would start but it wouldn't run over about 10 mph.  Also, it is idling low and somewhat rough.  The repair shop replaced the coolant temperature sensor, the cold start injector, the fuel filter, the distributor rotor and the battery.  However even after replacing those parts, it still idles at about 500rpms and is very difficult to start.  They also tested the injectors for leaks and found none.  The repair shop didn't know what else to do and asked me to come pick it up.  

Now, when I am driving the car, it seems to have normal power at higher speeds but when I come to a complete stop the rpm's will dive down to about 300 and sometimes the car will cut off.  The car has new Denso platinum spark plugs.  

Any ideas?  The repair shop is still scratching their heads as am I.  

"I had to have it towed to the repair shop because it would start but it wouldn't run over about 10 mph.  Also, it is idling low and somewhat rough.  The repair shop replaced the coolant temperature sensor, the cold start injector, the fuel filter, the distributor rotor and the battery.  However even after replacing those parts, it still idles at about 500rpms and is very difficult to start."
That's becuse the repair shop is stupid. I mean really f**k**g stupid.

Most likely it's a simple vaccuum leak.
Check the ignition timing (10*btdc when set in diagnostic mode, jump TE1 & E1 in the diagnostic port)
Replace the distirbutor cap & rotor as a set (You'll never find the cracks in that plastic that let moisture in & insulate the rotor & cap... Don't assume it's good, it's a $15 item.)
Clean the throttle plate, idle valve & EGR valve if equipped.

Reset the ECU (Pull the EFI fuse for a second & replace it).

If it still doesn't idle, get back to me, we'll go from there.

Start from there.