Toyota Repair: 1993 Toyota Camry 4 Dr, starter solenoid, toyota camry

Hi Ted,
Car wouldn't start, thought it must be the battery.  Called automotive club who came and was able to start car by turning ignition key rapidly for about ten seconds. Said it is a common problem and contacts to starter need to be changed.  Local Toyota dealer want $250 to replace contacts - sounds like a rip-off to me!  Have you heard about this problem before and, if so, can you suggest a cheaper way to fix it. Thanks  

Yes it is a common problem, the solution is to either replace the starter with a remanufactured one or disassemble the starter solenoid to replace the contacts, the price to replace the contacts at the dealer are not out of line since the parts are about $20 but the rest is labor.  Having the starter replaced will cost about $100 more, less labor time but more for the part. The only cheaper way is to either do this yourself or find an independent repair shop that will install the contacts for about $100.