Toyota Repair: 2 catalytic converters, 1987 toyota camry, toyota camry

At SMOG check, the technician found that my 1987 Toyota Camry LE Wagon had two catalytic converters; the one near the engine  (which he understands to be the standard one) and another that looked like it was added later midway back.  In order to not have the car be termed 'modified' I either need a diagram/page of a manual for this car that shows that 2 catalytic converters is a factory standard or I have the remove the 2nd converter that looks like it was added on.  Thanks

go to

If you have a second Cat you have a Califoria Emmisions vehicle.
You can use 1990 as its the same and the site doesnt go back to 87.
Youll get a picture if you click year and model, then click exhaust system, etc.
Pretty user frendly pay site.
