Toyota Repair: Trouble codes, toyota lexus, filtration systems

I have a 2002 Prius and I just bought a code reader and it is showing 2 codes: P3191 and P0420. Is there certain tests that I should run and is there a repair manual that tells me what tests to run.
Thanks from an old mechanic,

p3191 = "The engine will not start" There is a specific toyota TSIB regarding this issue on all second generation Prius's. Keep in mind a TSIB does NOT equal free work. Simply that they know of specific issues.
Common causes are dirty throttle plates, poor quality gas/contamination, or faulty injectors. (The last two are very uncommon with Toyota's due to their double & triple filtration systems for the fuel, but do happen). Otherwise the ECU will need to be replaced, which is expencive.

I would go to a Toyota dealer to have them diagnose this.
p0420 = exhaust system cat convertor effeciancy is low.
Be it a dead post-cat o2 sensor, cat convertor, or a rare pre-cat exhaust leak.
The emessions system is likely still under warranty.

Personally. I would go to a Toyota/Lexus/Scion dealer & talk to a service manager about your problems. Especially if your Prius is under warranty.

I would also join one of the few online prius forums around. Namely someplace like